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Ep27: The Professor Who Lived a Thousand Lives | Professor Andreas Lopata | James Cook University

Life has been an exciting adventure for Professor Andreas Lopata, Professor in Biochemistry at the Tropical Futures Institute, James Cook University – it sometimes seems like he’s lived many lives over the past few decades! Professor’s Lopata’s education and career have quite literally taken him to unexpected places – from a Business school in Germany, to studying insects in South Africa, and specialising in food allergy research in Singapore today. Learn more about his colourful life experiences!This episode’s host: Associate Professor Denise Dillon, Associate Dean of Research Education and Acting Dean Research at James Cook University, Singapore.๐ŸŽง Listen Now:๐Ÿ”— Explore More Episodes: for more engaging conversations with industry leaders and experts! ๐ŸŒŸ Spotify - Apple Podcasts - YouTube Playlist - #Podcast #University

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